The Oil Spill Conspiracy Theories Are Piling Up

Exploration of Conspiracy Theories from Perspective of Esoteric Traditions

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Re: The Oil Spill Conspiracy Theories Are Piling Up

Postby HockeyGuy » Mon May 07, 2012 12:48 am

That was entertaining. Good job!
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Re: The Oil Spill Conspiracy Theories Are Piling Up

Postby friendlyskies » Mon May 07, 2012 11:17 am

HockeyGuy wrote:That was entertaining. Good job!

Glad you liked it - I was probably a little too harsh, though. If someone has bothered to read this thread, it's probably worth watching.


Anyway, I was just reading through the old thread, and it's so cluttered that it's kind of difficult to keep the main points straight. I figured I'd just do a summary of that, too, rather than work lol.

1. Immediately after the Deepwater Horizon unit exploded spill, both the right and left proposed conspiracy theories that were widely repeated in the mainstream media. Right-wing pundits said it was sabotage by environmentalists, while left-wingers thought it was BP sabotaging itself.

2. It was soon discovered that three huge financial transactions took place one month prior to the explosion, which took place on April 20, Hitler's birthday (and ten days after the horrific Katyn Crash, which changed Gazprom's relationship with Poland). It's worth noting interesting market activity just prior to 9/11 (shortselling of airline stocks by hedge funds routed through the Dubai stock market) and the global economic collapse (shortselling . Which took place on April 20, incidentally Hitler's birthday:
a. BP chief Tony Hayward sold £1.4 million (223200 shares) in BP stocks on March 17, saving himself £423,000
b. Goldman-Sachs sold 44% of their BP stocks at about the same time.
c. Halliburton purchased Boots and Coots, the world's biggest oil-well blowout company, on April 12, and it has been in charge of dealing with the Deepwater Horizon spill ever since. According to Jesse Ventura, Halliburton's profits went up 83% during the months of the spill. Halliburton also worked on the rig the day before it blew.

3. There's an applicable Nostradamus quatrain! Obama's Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, former ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the Khobar Towers bombings, was in charge of the Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup Plan. Mabus is the name Nostradamus gives to the man who will die, ushering in the 27-year reign of the antiChrist: "Mabus will soon die, then will come/ A horrible undoing of people and animals/ At once one will see vengeance/ One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass." Perhaps significantly, the oil spill has become a "horrible undoing of animals," with some 35,000 dolphins killed so far.

4. There's a connection to Goldman-Sachs! Peter Sutherland, former chair of BP, left in 2010 to head Goldman-Sachs, a conspiracy theory stallwart.

5. BP began blocking access to the beaches and oil spill using private military contractors; there was even a no-fly zone above the spill for a while. Here's Anderson Cooper complaining that "the First Amendment has been suspended" - man, he was a great reporter: Here's a video of someone who broke the no-fly zone: ... ing-video/

6. On June 10, 2010, this post appeared online; perhaps most eerily, the part I've highlighted in red was almost exactly what happened, on July 15, 2010. It has become one of the most widely disseminated conspiracies of the spill.

BP, Illusion of a False Spill

The 'disaster' in the Gulf of Mexico is beyond a false flag; it's an illusion. What I'm about to reveal will more than likely go by the wayside, and the charade will continue. The reason for writing this is not for attention, games, or folly, but to expose the biggest scam in the 21st century, and to relieve some aching hearts. There is no need for fear as this is a staged event. I cannot reveal my sources, they do go straight to the top, but hopefully what I write will echo inside of each person reading this as the truth.

Much of the information I present here cannot be easily verified, fast checked, or ever presented as anything, but hearsay, as they are just words of an anonymous online entity. The Government, corporations, and the people behind them have pulled out all the stops to insure the truth doesn't come out. They are the reason why the beaches have private security contractors, insuring no one is able to gain access to the oil on shore. They are the reason the Gulf of Mexico is a no fly zone. They are the reason why the gulf states are being locked down by military. They are the reason why the well head you see is different in many videos that BP releases. Without this measure of control the illusion would fail. In this post, what I can do is provide leading evidence, or give clues to the truth; from there you can use something that has gone by the way side, common sense.

The large oil spills washing up on the shores are not from BP Deep Horizon. They are indeed from surrounding wells, that were already leaking by design. These wells can be verified through a simple online search. You'll notice that much of the oil is actually in the form of tar. Usually tar balls; sizes of these have reached 2000+ pounds.

From the start, BP, Haliburton, and co-conspirators knew where they were drilling. Using specific equipment, such as the German ship RV Sonne, they had detailed maps of the ocean bottom. The ship, and a specific college study from 2005, in the Gulf of Mexico, are your starting points to what's really happening in the gulf. Here's a link to what the study synopses

What BP, Haliburton, and other co-conspirators intentionally drilled into was an Asphalt Volcano. Sounds scary doesn't it? It really is not. In fact, after you read the above link you'll know that the Gulf of Mexico is literally coated in oil, tar, and methane hydrate at the bottom. The study went on to find that massive aquatic life has specifically adapted to living off of the hydrocarbons. That in fact these asphalt volcanoes are a natural part of the ocean ecology, and their eruptions actually benefit the sea life over the long duration of time.

Another aspect to what I was directly told is that BP, Haliburton, and other co-conspirators drilled intentionally into the 'mid side' of this particular asphalt volcano. Basically from what I understand, it is a soda bottle effect. If they had drilled into the top of the volcano, then all the gas would rise out, and explode as would bottled carbonated liquid. The effect of drilling into the side permits a safely controlled release of gas, tar, liquified asphalt, and other related gases. What was done is a more or less controlled release; almost natural in fact!

The Asphalt volcano was a win win situation for this false flag: as it presented the best illusion to all outside parties. Not only do the conspirators need to fool the general public, but also the oil industry, and scientific community. The public is easy to fool, but the latter two groups take a little more effort; this is the main reason why the Gulf is being isolated by security contractors, and military. Anyone well versed on this giant debacle in the Gulf knows that it is surrounded with stories, and claims of negligence. This was the first purposeful aspect to make the story seem credible to all outside parties; as the story is more easily believed, when it is chalked up to human error, or incompetence.

Besides using inferior, shotty, or flat out negligent craftsmanship, as the well was intended to fail from the onset, the conspirators knew that the pressure produced from the volcano would blow out even better equipment. This was the second mechanism to fool other industry experts. All experts, and scientific communities only know what they are told, and that is the well tapped into a large high pressure hydrocarbon pocket. To even a trained eye, what they are being told appears to be a massive oil gusher, when in fact it's a controlled event.

In watching the videos, or live feeds looks horrible, and very ominous, but upon closer examination the tell tale signs of what it really is shows through, what you are actually viewing is a man made(well bore) large "Black Smoker". You should take note, as the evidence has built, the live feed appears to have been tampered with. I suspect it is because of the video below. The man narrating the video has it correct, it is a volcano! But those aren't flames. From the link provided above, they are a combination of gases; specifically Sulfur, and Iron are what create the flame effect. Since the airing of that video, several of the live feeds have been proven to be tampered footage, or faked.

You need to realize that an illusion is only as good as it's weakest link. All scientific evidence on paper coming from the government, and corporations is being fudged. In the case of this staged, and controlled event that weak link is the oil, or more specifically the tangible tar that can be collected. As I mentioned much of the oil that has been seen, or noticed is tar rather than heavy crude oil. Out at sea closest to the Deep Horizon site, "shrimpers" have been hired to boom the oil/tar together, and set it ablaze. There are several huge fires right now out in the Gulf. The reason is for this is to hide the evidence. The distinct asphalt volcano tar, is actually coated with naturally produced oil eating microbes, and other natural safe guards produced by Mother Earth; these types of organisms are not present in a regular oil well, but commonly in the Asphalt Volcanoes, and large tar flows at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

To continue with why the asphalt volcano was a win win to drill into, is the heaviness of the tar. Read the linked article provided above, the tar will cling to lighter oil, and fall to the bottom of the Gulf at some point, near in the future. Also, the microbes, and other organisms that naturally occur from this will multiply. They will not only eat the tar, but the other control released oil that they are pumping into the Gulf.

We've all seen the videos of beaches not lined so much with oil, but with tar balls of varying sizes. Also, we've all noticed BP's overall lack of concern for cleanup. We've seen booms which aren't tied together. We've heard first hand account of staged clean ups on the beaches. As soon as a press conference, or media event is done BP stops work. The reason is simple, it's not that they don't care, but that they already know what's gonna happen. The oil will start naturally being cleaned up via decomposition, oil eating organisms, and falling to the already naturally tar covered bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

What's the benefit of this scam? MONEY, and population control. Read this article ... ized-plan/ If you're still reading this article, and even beginning to grasp the sinister nature of the fraud being perpetrated, then you'll realize that the corexit9500, and other dispersant's are not needed. They are purposely being sprayed by Evergreen Air/CIA to cull the population along the Gulf Coast.

Also, explained to me, is the large amount of useless eaters, pond scum, or undesirables living along the gulf coast. These would be the Americans living off of the government. I will not beat around the bush with pleasantries, or politically correct statements here. This coastal area from Texas to Florida has the highest, or most dense population of targets of illimination by the US Govt., and corporations. These are the populations living on welfare(in this area dominated by African Americans), and the older population living on Social Security(mainly Florida). These people are going to start dropping like flies over the next few years, and greatly reduce the burden to government coffers.

In this respect this is a doomsday event, but it's not the end of the food chain, death of the oceans, or as some have warned an extinction level event. It's only bad for the targeted populations.

To cover the money aspects of this fraudulent event, are somewhat self evident. Primarily, as President Obama (note he's not very worried, think about it) has just pointed out, they are using this false flag to move forward with the Carbon Tax, followed by Cap, and Trade. Another aspect of profit is the clean up of this disaster; those boats aren't running around for free in the Gulf. From there, is the very real aspect of banks calling their notes on the remaining mortgaged properties along the Gulf, and peninsula of Florida. Remember Katrina? They never gave the land back, but sold it to casinos, and other businesses. Almost all beach front property will end up in the hands of the banks, and government. They'll play this disaster off for a few years, and explain the mysterious disappearance of oil on kindness from mother nature.

The side effects of this scam are negligible; in the eyes of the perpetrators, they've done nature a favor. They've opened up an asphalt volcano from the side, and will shut it down in the next few months by equalizing the pressure. The equalization of pressure will come by way of the two relief wells; which are not wells, but vents. when they do this, I have no clue what excuse they'll use, but the current gusher will stop. I said stop, it will not slow down, but literally stop. Remember, all they have done is aided nature in something that is a very common, and naturally occurring event at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

That's about all I have to say. I will pop in to answer any if at all questions. The reason I came forward with this information is that I myself was worried about the level of this event. Honestly, knowing the reasoning of what, why, and how has given me peace. Anyone who has family anywhere near where they are spraying these chemicals need to alert their family to leave; they are the target of this false flag. To anyone who finds credence, or a shred of truth in what I've written, please pass this on; as we all are the target on the grand scale. The target by way of the coming carbon tax, cap, and trade.

God Bless,

7. Nicholas Defauw began pics of the Gulf Coast and posting them to his website, He said that a sheriff told him, "1) The entire state was up in arms as to why NOTHING was done to prevent the slick from hitting shore. Once it hit, it sat for days, then BP began to act.2) The news is bullshit, don't listen to it, any of it.3) The oil is moving east, not west4) The oil is coming to shore in giant waves, then none for a while5) If the oil breaches the barrier islands and reaches the swamps and canals then LA is devastated economically as most of the economy relies on fishing, drilling, and processing the fish and oil. Many residents rely on fish for part of their diet - it’s a poor state.6) If get within 50 feet or so of the ocean then you have to go through decontamination. They are calling the beach a red zone." He also said, "The coordinator explained to me that the land on the other side of the bridge, albeit massive and containing an entire port, was owned by two familes. Those 2 familes had made arrangements with BP and the state police to keep "researchers" and "press" off their land; however, to honor free press and 1st amendment, twice a day the select press would be escorted by police to a specific location where they could photograph and not explore. In essence, he said "your not going to see anything". They refused National Wildlife Federation access to this special press police escort - only a few press agencies were permitted...."

8. The oil dispersant chosen by BP was Corexit; according to Governor Ventura, a BP exec sits on the owner of Corexit, Nalco's, board of directors. Corexit, which contains poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that have been identified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic, is illegal in Britain and the EU. Combined with the ethylbenzene, mp-xylene and hexane, present in amounts 5 to 10 times in excess of the 95th percentile in the Gulf, the potential environmental fallout could be horrible." And, indeed, two years after the spill, contaminated fisheries are producing shrimp, fish, oysters, etc with horrible deformities and tumors. Only a tiny fraction of sea life that died in the wake of the accident showed evidence of exposure to oil; it was the Corexit. Humans have also been affected. Anyway, when the EPA got word BP was spraying Corexit, they demanded they stop, immediately. BP refused and continued spraying. Shortly afterward, the EPA raised the permissible levels of toxicity for propylene glycol (a known ingredient of Corexity 9500) to 750 ppm.

9. Florida Senator George LeMieux (GOP) told Obama that he needed to put more of the USA's 2000 professional oil skimmers on the job - there were 32 working at the outset of the spill, but this was cut to 20 as the spill intensified. LeMieux is also asked that Obama accept 21 offers of aid from 17 foreign countries. Instead, the administration hired shrimpers - who would presumably be less able to identify a sabotage or hoax than professional oil skimmers - to do cleanup:

10: Several whistleblowers have turned up dead, missing, jailed, etc. Here's a list: ... gjailed-bp

ANYWAY. That's the summary, so far.
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Re: The Oil Spill Conspiracy Theories Are Piling Up

Postby friendlyskies » Mon May 07, 2012 11:22 am

Doh! Right, I can't edit in this forum. Correction:

* 2. It was soon discovered that three huge financial transactions took place one month prior to the explosion, which happened on April 20, Hitler's birthday and ten days after the Katyn Crash, which changed Gazprom's relationship with Poland. Interesting market activity preceded both 9/11 (shortselling of airline stocks by hedge funds routed through the Dubai stock market) and the global economic collapse (shortselling of AIG and Bear Sterns stocks).

a. BP chief Tony Hayward sold £1.4 million (223200 shares) in BP stocks on March 17, saving himself £423,000
b. Goldman-Sachs sold 44% of their BP stocks at about the same time.
c. Halliburton purchased Boots and Coots, the world's biggest oil-well blowout company, on April 12, and it has been in charge of dealing with the Deepwater Horizon spill ever since. According to Jesse Ventura, Halliburton's profits went up 83% during the months of the spill. Halliburton also worked on the rig the day before it blew.
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Re: The Oil Spill Conspiracy Theories Are Piling Up

Postby friendlyskies » Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:30 am

Huh. ... de-bp.html

The chemical sprayed on the 2010 BP oil spill may not have helped crucial petroleum-munching microbes get rid of the slick, a new study suggests.
And that leads to more questions about where much of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill went. If the new results are true, up to half the oil can't be accounted for, said the author of a new study on the spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
After the 172 million gallon (650 million liter) spill, the chemical dispersant Corexit 9500 was applied by airplane on the slick to help it go away and help natural microbes in the water eat the oil faster. The oil appeared to dissipate, but scientists and government officials didn't really monitor the microbes and chemicals, said University of Georgia marine scientist Samantha Joye.
So Joye and colleagues recreated the application in a lab, with the dispersant, BP oil and water from the gulf, and found that it didn't help the microbes at all and even hurt one key oil-munching bug, according to a study published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"The dispersants did a great job in that they got the oil off the surface," Joye said. "What you see is the dispersants didn't ramp up biodegradation."
In fact, she found the oil with no dispersant "degraded a heckuva lot faster than the oil with dispersants," Joye said.
Joye's team chronicled nearly 50,000 species of bacteria in the Gulf and what they did to the water with oil, and water with oil and dispersant.
One of the main groups of oil munchers are fat little sausage-shaped bacteria called marinobacters, Joye said. They eat oil all the time and comprise about 3 percent of the bacteria in normal water. But when there's oil, they eat and multiply like crazy until they are as much as 42 percent of the bacteria, Joye said.
But when the dispersant was applied, they didn't grow. They stayed around 3 percent, Joye said.
Instead, a different family of bugs called colwellia multiplied more, and they don't do nearly as good a job at munching the oil, Joye said. She theorized that for some reason the dispersant and marinobacters just don't work together.
So if the oil wasn't degraded by the bacteria, the question remains: Where did it go? Joye guesses it might still be on the floor of the gulf.
Outside scientists Jeff Chanton and Ian MacDonald of Florida State University said the study seemed to make sense. Chanton called the results important and surprising.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration welcomed the study and will evaluate to determine how well dispersants work in the future, said agency spokeswoman Keeley Belva.
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Re: The Oil Spill Conspiracy Theories Are Piling Up

Postby Q » Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:45 pm

Went fishing off of Tampa over the holidays. It's still good.

No extra limbs growing. Not hacking up any black phlegm.

Fucking Science, how does that work?

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Re: The Oil Spill Conspiracy Theories Are Piling Up

Postby friendlyskies » Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:51 pm

OMG OMG OMG they made a movie about it and it stars Marky Mark, right after he tried and failed to get a teenage assault charge struck from the record, because it was interfering with some of his investments. DEEPWATER HORIZON BITCHES. It's got an 82% on Rotten Tomatoes which means it's going to have some fucking awesome explosions and a scene that will make you cry:


Deepwater Horizon: The False Flag that Saved New Orleans
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